Union Digital joins OK Interactive
OK Interactive and Union Digital signed an agreement on 23 February 2019 to merge business operations. As a result OK Interactive will be taking over all assets, liberties and obligations of Union Digital. The companies will move forward under the name OK Interactive OÜ. Both companies will continue to serve their customers under the same conditions but with a considerably larger team.
Hansanet joins Union Digital

Union Digital and Hansanet signed an agreement on 21 December 2017 to merge business operations. As a result Union Digital will be taking over all assets, liberties and obligations of Hansanet. The companies will move forward under the name Union Digital OÜ. Both companies will continue to serve their customers under the same conditions but with a considerably larger team.
Serveripargi värskendus
Seoses kevade saabumisega pühkisime serveritelt tolmu ning leidsime, et aeg on suurpuhastuseks. Käesoleval nädadal paigutame me kõik Hansaneti, Web2 ning Webbity ca. 1100 klienti uutesse Fujitsu serveritesse, millel on kiired SSD kettad ning 16 Core protsessorid. Muudatus tagab meie klientidele ka edaspidi parima kvaliteediga veebimajutuse ning e-posti teenuse.
Otsime "front-end" programmeerijat
Seoses uute ja huvitavate projektidega, pakume väljakutset front-end programmeerijale. Meie klientide hulka kuuluvad Omniva, Riigikogu, Eesti Kaitsevägi, Danske Pank, Tallinna Ülikool, Tallink jt. Põhiülesandeks oleks osalemine veebilahenduse loomise protsessis front-end ja UX programmeerijana.
Kandidaadilt eeldame väga heal tasemel front-end oskused (AngularJS, CSS, jQuery, JavaScript, HTML5). Palgast: võta ühendust ja ütle oma hind!
Interesting RFID project
Interesting project, that we participated. We created a RFID warehouse system.
Demo video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9VIYrvz-kg